Sunday, January 31, 2010

SNOW much FUN!

So, the "blizzard" wasn't quite a blizzard. The local weather folks played it up to be a huge winter storm coming to snow us for a week. Thank goodness we weren't snowed in for a week, I don't do well cooped up in the house and Daddy-o had tickets for the UT basketball game.. against the Gators... so really not a good weekend for him to be snowed in either!
Friday the snow didn't arrive nearly as quickly as they had predicted. Kris was anxiously awaiting its arrival (as he anxiously awakes anything weather related). Few things really get Kris hyped up, but the list does include snow, national signing day, and the first volunteer football game of the season. We're talking the "Christmas Morning Syndrome." It's cute.. and actually just another one of those reasons Mommy loves him so much.. :)

Grace Anne didn't have much to do with the snow, but as you'd imagine its hard for a 2 and 1/2 month old to really get into the snow! Mommy strapped her in the Baby Bjorn though and Daddy went sledding with the Rigglets. Then, Mommy got to sled while Daddy did baby duty. So, we had a blast and look forward to the days ahead when little Miss Sunshine can really enjoy the excitement of the winter wonderland!

We finished out our snowed-in Saturday with chili, chips, and cheese... (petros, frito pies, whatever you want to call them) and snow cream with the Kathy, Alexis, and Elaina.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

TARGET..who me?

So, today Grace Anne and I went to Target (my all time fave store that I am addicted to and visit frequently...and have lately been claiming that I go for exercising since its too cold to walk outside)!! While we were strolling through the aisles I noticed a local news anchor. I saw her several times as we roamed down every aisle and sifted thought the clearance items on each end cap. Apparently the news was at Target doing a fun little story on what you need when you get snowed in. Of course we aren't going to be snowed in (FYI: the local meteorologist are calling for snow.. and in Knoxville that apparently means a blizzard is coming so we need to run and get our milk and bread). Nonetheless, the camera crew and anchor (who was doubling as field reporter) wewere getting two Target customers to participate in a little relay race. Grace Anne and I were just shopping for Daddy some cereal when the camera man came barreling down the aisle behind one of the contestants. We got caught on tape! Daddy saw it on the news tonight and took a picture of it with the camera, the picture above is the picture he took of the TV with the news on. I'm so proud that my child was in Target when she made her first TV News appearance. She is going to be a superstar, ya know. She'll be making many more TV appearances... you wait and see!
On the SNOW front, we may get 3-4 inches (that according to my in-house meteorologist). I don't think we will be stuck in the house (hopefully not, don't want to go stir all know how I like to be on the go go go!) But.. I can gaurentee that every grocery store in the Knoxville area saw an increase in bread and milk sales. Kris doesn't understand the bread and milk phenomena, but that's the two items people buy around here when it snows or shall I saw when there is a snow prediction. Kris claims that if the power goes out then everyone would be drinking warm milk and eating bread and nothing about that seems appealing to him. What he doesn't know and hasn't gotten to witness is the jugs of milk end up in the snow AND they aren't warm-- that's what happened in the Blizzard of -93! I just felt like I couldn't end this posting without referring to the Blizzard of '93.(For the non-locals, the blizzard of 1993 was a huge snow storm that will be talked about until the end of time in this city!) Above is a nice retro picture of the infamous 1993 snow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thank Goodness for $10 Co-PaysSo, another trip to Knoxville Pediatrics! The doctors office either thinks I am: a.) wonderful, caring mommy or b.) a ridiculous, over reacting, pathetic stay-at-home first-time mother. Regardless, they always know who I am when I call... which in some ways makes me feel like its a nice, small town sort of practice. But, its not... it is a huge practice! The office we go to have 13 pediatricians.. yeah 13. So, they probably shouldn't know me so well especially when Grace Anne is only 2 and 1/2 months old! I'm thinking that they probably are leaning toward choice B above.. but oh well, so be it!

Anyways, we went to the doctor today. She was definitely sleeping more yesterday and through the night. While I love the thought of her sleeping, I was somewhat concerned that it was all of the sudden. This morning she woke up and ate. She just didn't look like she felt too good with her gooey, puffy eyes and snotty nose. I don't think she ever truly got over the snotty nose.. even with the Little Noses saline drops, the bulb syringe, and two humidifers! But, the coughing, sneezing, and fussiness was really breaking our hearts. Another concern I had was RSV... I don't think she was exposed to it anywhere, but I've heard several friends talking about their kids having it recently.. sooooo I felt it was a good idea to have her checked. Nonetheless, my "friends" over at the doctor's office told me to come on in and we could see another doctor since our doctor was out of the office today.

The good news: RSV test was negative! Dr. Blevins (the doctor we saw today) said that his 3 month old has been suffering from the same symptoms. He said the only thing he could recommend was tylenol to help her feel better overall and rest... trying to keep her happy enough to sleep! (so that means lots of cuddling with Mommy and Daddy)He also noticed and commented on her amazing strength! She just props her self right up as if she was doing push ups. She is really holding her neck steady now too! Anyways.. she still has no fever, her tempurature has hovered at a little bit above 99 degrees all day. So she isn't even really "sick"! She just doesn't feel 100% and I'm sure its the weather etc. The doctor told me there isn't any concern and she doesn't have some chronic problem or anything. Again... another reason for them to lean to option B above. One day I'll look back and think gosh I was such a silly, first time Mom! But, those of you that are experienced-- go ahead and giggle, have a little laugh.. just don't send me advice--- we are learning and we aren't soliciting advice at this time! But, I will say, at this point I have to make the best decisions for helping me sleep at night! (my sleep is so limited I need to make it as restful as possible and we have enough other stressers in our lives right now)

Monday, January 25, 2010

There is something to be said for.. CHANGING TABLES!

As promised, on facebook, the update on backseat diaper change. I was trying to go ahead and run in Kroger. I felt like it was more sanitary to change her diaper in the car rather than a public restroom.. I've changed her in the trunk plenty of times, but it was too cold. I have changed her in the backseat though also. I began changing her diaper and felt something. She was peeing on me! I'm not talking a little tinkle! it looked like I had peed on myself! I put the clean diaper on her.. put her back in her car seat, without pants, and headed home to change clothes-- so much for saving time and taking a quick trip to Kroger! We made it back to Kroger, did our shopping and returned home. All ended well!

Oh and here are a couple pictures from our fashion show! haha...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

All I wanna do is... MOVE!

Whether it's riding in the car, going for walks, chillin' in the stroller, or just moving her arms and legs... Little Miss Sunshine wants to move all the time!! (what can I say--she can't sit still--who'd she get that from?!)

It's amazing how much we learn about her tendencies and personality each day. We have definitely discovered that this child does not sleep! It is as simple as that! Last night Kris held her and she slept on his chest from about 12:30am to 4am. I got up at 4 and fed her and she didn't go back to sleep until 8am! Yea and that nap lasted about an hour and she was ready to eat again by 9:30am. Once she ate she didn't go back to sleep at all until half way through out afternoon walk. It's amazing that this child can stay awake so long-- Daddy says she gets it from me.. maybe so.. but still, aren't 2 1/2 month old babies supposed to sleep more than 6 or 7 hours in a 24 hour period?

I'm trying to keep the videos coming. It's very difficult to upload them to the blog because it takes forever! I've created a YouTube account so that we can upload them easily. The latest video clip (click on the pink, bold words) may not be nearly as exciting to most people.. but we laughed so hard. I've finally figured out what she was doing in my tummy for months! I'll warn you she is intense!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just another typical, fantastic, memorable day!
Let me begin by saying... I, Mommy Kepley, am so lucky to get to spend each day with the little one. She changes so much and grows each day. A friend asked me yesterday when I was "going back into the workforce" and I answered by saying that I plan on looking for a job to begin this fall. With that being said, honestly... I can't even imagine leaving her anywhere or with anyone on a daily basis... I never thought I could be a stay at home Mommy, but I can totally see it for a year or two... Oh well, good thing I don't have to cross that bridge yet.
So, the weather was great early this week! Mommy and Grace Anne got to go on lots of walks! She is really a fan of riding in the stroller but she has also started enjoying the Baby Bjorn and the way I look at it.. the Baby Bjorn is like carrying around an almost 10 lb. weight, thus it has to be a better workout.. right?

Our other latest interest is .. Baby Einstein. Little Miss Sunshine found Baby Beethoven was captivating! She just sits there in awe and watches it! But, no worries... she only watches 1 DVD a day and they last 30 min. She isn't being brain washed or corrupted by TV!

Tonight Grace Anne went to her first basketball game.. she slept through most of it! Mommy did get to show her off at the school she did her student teaching, but we really went to see Alyssa cheer and get recognized for 8th grade night. Grace Anne really didn't take in too much-- she slept as the picture above indicates!

And an end-note... Keep hoping Daddy gets a job soon. UPs has had lay offs and minimized routes and put drivers in the warehouse. Please keep him in mind if you hear of anything.. now is not a good time to not have a full time job. Daddy and Mommy both want Mommy to be able to stat home with Grace Anne for a while. So, keep us in your thoughts and pass along any job leads!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Forget Lullabies, we sing ROCKY TOP in this house!
In honor of the good news coming from the University of Tennessee...

We have had a better week than last... UT hired a new football coach (Daddy thinks its a good hire which makes life in the Kepley house much easier), the Vols have been tearing it up on the basketball court and just beat Alabama tonight (another plus for keeping Daddy happy), and Grace Anne has not decided to descend from anywhere!
Bath time has become much easier! I won't lie and tell you that she doesn't have some weird faces, because as you can see... she sure does! But, she doesn't cry at all during bath time! She is so stinkin' cute in her little bath tub that I couldn't help but to post a picture! She will kill me when she is 10!
The weather has been great the last couple days! Mommy and Grace Anne have been on a walk each day this week, thus far.

Oh and finally, I am very excited to announce that I have figured out the video feature on my camera... AND, I can post to blog so I'm trying one of her rolling over... But, keep coming back, fans and followers, there shall be more!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Mother-of-the-Year Nominee in this House

What a day.. what a week I might say. Seems like this week has been full of surprises.. and might I add not good surprises! We lost our football coach, UPS laid off 1,800 people in management which means that job promotion front isn't looking too good so that coupled with a little unforseen, unfair, unwelcomed expenses made for a bunch of rough surprises... But, we have managed to avoid medication and professional therapy. We were trucking right along.. trying to keep our chins help high... Until.. last night... our little sweet pea came down with her first fever. :(

As you all well know Miss Grace Anne has been fighting a stuffy nose but she had not had a fever at all. She seemed really fussy and really warm -- mom's intuition said fever... and thermometers don't lie. After talking to the on-call nurse I learned that shots can cause a mild fever (which explains the Infant Tylenol coupon the nurse gave us at our doctor's visit!). The nurse warned that she could be sluggish or have a lack of appetite for up to 48 hours after shots. I rushed to buy Infant Tylenol, gave her a dose and hoped she would feel better. The Tylenol seemed to help and she slept well until about 1am when the crying began full and the screaming.. whoa.. rough night. I was exhausted and probably should have woken Daddy up.. but didn't-- after all, he had managed to sleep through all this...

At 5am this morning little Miss Wiggle Worm wiggled off the guest bed. I had been laying in the guest bed and got up, laid her on the bed from the bouncy seat, turned my head... and BAM she wiggled off! My 2 month old baby girl was flat on the floor -- she had fallen.. I had let her fall right off the dang bed! THE BED! I was hysterical. She cried for 3 minutes and acted normal. I didn't know what to do, but my horrific feeling lasted much longer than those 3 minutes! I was officially the worse mother in the world! I tried to get Kris to weigh in on the situation, but had no luck. Finally after 15 minutes of mere panic (that seemed like 3 hours) I called the on call nurse. While I waited on the return call, Grace Anne took a whole feeding, she smiled, and stretched -- she seemed perfectly normal. The nurse said I would probably be fine waiting until the office opened, rather than rushing to the ER. She said she'd leave that decision up to me. Well of course I tried again to get Kris to weigh in... after several attempts Daddy woke up and determined we could wait until the office opened. Needless to say, that's exactly where we went first thing. The doctor said she looked fine. He told us to watch for losing her appetite, sleeping or acting sluggish more than normal or vomiting. He said if we noticed these symptoms within the next 24 hours to call him ASAP. Of course I was thinking how do I know if she has a head injury or its a reaction to shots. What poor timing to decide to be the worse Mom of the century!

By lunch time she was not very active, had skipped a feeding, and I found myself force feeding her, which is unusual. When she wasn't sleeping she was screaming and crying (not her typical style). After finally getting her to take 2 oz. I realized it was all coming back up. She was sound asleep before I could even clean her up! I called the doctor back and he said to come on in. He could tell she was much more lackadaisical than the morning.. of course neither of us slept much during the night and she had an eventful morning. He still saw no bumps or bruises, but decided it'd be best if we went for a CT Scan. I am all about erring on the side of caution (as ironic as that sounds since I was the idiot who laid her on the bed and started this mess). He wrote the orders and then sent us on our way to Children's Hospital. I called Daddy and insisted he not leave work early but to just head to the hospital after he got off.
We arrived at the hospital and went to check in. At that very moment in time I realized it was real. I was nervous, scared, and felt terrible. I needed Daddy.. heck I needed my Mama! But.. I'm strong and didn't show any fear. We checked in, got her hospital bracelet (or anklet rather) and went to radiology to wait. We were lucky that the pediatrician had called it in as an emergency so we didn't wait long. Daddy wasn't there when we went back. They put my sweet little girl in a positioner and it was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I was so sad for her. I put on my anti-radiation apron and stood right by her side. I got to put my hand at the very edge of her cheek to calm her and keep her still. She was perfect and didn't move. After she went through the scan the radiologist tech said we were done. I thought "DONE!?" how could we possibly be done.. what about the doctor and the results. She told me that Grace Anne's doctor would call tonight or tomorrow or sometime. HELLO.. this is my child we are talking about! So, I asked if the radiologist would read the results immediatly or not..? She looked at me and said "well there isn't a radiologist here right now." I was stunned when we left. Daddy wasn't there yet and I told him we'd just meet him at home. Of course he was very concerned and wanted to see his baby girl!

A couple hours later the doctor called and said that Grace Anne's results came back negative. She is apparently just tired and sluggish from the vaccines. I felt relieved to know that I didn't cause any permanent damage. Whooooooo! That's reassuring.

The pretty girl is sleeping and smiling now. She seems fine, just tired, sluggish, and a little fussy.
Mommy is feeling better since Daddy has reassured her she really isn't an idiot and is defiantly not the worst mother on earth!

We do want to extent a "Thank You" to everyone for your concerns, text messages, thoughts, prayers, nosiness, phone calls, and facebook status comments! We have a wonderful network of fans (also known as friends and family) and Grace Anne is lucky to have each and every follower!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

TWO Months...(sorry for poor picture quality--cell phones haha)
Wow, our little girl is already two months old.. it has flown by even with the sleepless nights and 8 feedings per day.. it seems like just yesterday when we welcomed our 7lb. 2 oz. little girl into the world! Well folks, its been two months to the day! We went to the doctor this morning- she is now 9lbs. 8 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long-- our little runt is growing! I was 9 lbs. and 21 1/2 inches at birth, but it took our little babe two months to get there! haha

She is actually not big for her age at all. She was in the 20th percentile for weight and length. But hey, we feel like she is huge! (well you know what I mean.. not huge but... not as runt-ish).The doctor said she had very strong neck control for her age. When he put her on her tummy she rolled herself over, yes.. at 2 months! He picked her up and in his amazement set her right back down to watch her do it again! What can I say?!.. she is accelerated!!

In other news, Daddy has been in a state of shock and hysterics. Lane Kiffin left the Univerisity of Tennessee and put Knoxville in a rare state. Daddy has not been medicated or sought any type of professional therapy as of now. Please keep our family as well as Vol nation in your prayers during this crucial time of adjustment.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On the MEND..

The precious little Kepley sicklings are on the mend. Kris is still not feeling wonderful, but seems to have improved a lot. Being in the cold hasn't helped matters. It has been below freezing for a week and of course he is exposed to the bitter chill throughout the day! Grace Anne is still very snotty, as unladylike as that may sound. This morning I suctioned out lots green snot and she actually sounds like she can breath a little now.

This weekend we took it easy though. I was convinced we lost Grace Anne's zutano hat !!! We love her Zutano hat (its fushia)! I searched everywhere with no luck so I ordered one from New Baby Products in Atlanta because all the Zutano retailers in Knoxville were sold out. (although, in the search, we did find a very cutesnails zutano dress and a cozie matching jumper that were both must haves!!) Well, guess what I found on Sunday afternoon? you guessed it.. that silly hat. Now we have two of the same exact hats as the second one arrived today. I wish we had this one too.. isn't it cute.. jester hat. I also think she needs the mittens since her fingers are always so cold!

We go to the two month appointment early tomorrow morning! I'll keep everyone posted on an exciting developments!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Our Little Runt is GROWING!

That's right, she is now a little over 9 lbs. Monday went to the doctor and our little run has hit the 9lb. mark! we were concerned that she had been spitting up a lot, sneezing, and coughing. The pediatrician attributed the symptoms to reflux and increased her reflux medicine... sadly, the coughing continued and a stuffy nose came along with it so I decided to call the doctor and make sure everything was okay-- so we went back today (the picture is at the doctor-- she was eating Pinky's nose while waiting for the doctor to coem in). They tested her for RSV, but it was negative luckily!!! We saw the doctor on call and he was very nice. He has a little girl at home that is 3 weeks older than her. He completely understood what we are going through. His little girl has reflux and spits up too and he assured me that medicine doesn't stop spit up and the spit up is more miserable to us than to her. He said that spit up doesn't feel like throwing up and she isn't in pain. But, she does have a miserable cold that I'm guessing she got from her Daddy since he has a miserable cold too. Dr. Mommy has her hands full suction her baby's nose out, getting medicine for Daddy, and whatever else the sicklings need. Let's hope they both feel better soon.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010!

The Kepley family spent New Years Eve welcoming 2010 in Atlanta. Grace Anne's first Atlanta trip! Daddy went to the Georgia Dome to witness another loss. UT just doesn't have a lot of luck in Atlanta at the Dome. But, Daddy and Uncle Mitchy had a really good time.

The girls (Grace Anne, Mommy, and Christy) shopped-- until Grace Anne's spit-up got the best of us! We did get to hang out with the Andersons. Davis got a kick out of Grace Anne crying in the bathtub. Brian cooked us dinner and was overly hospitable! (even if he claims it was because he was bored.) Michelle brought us margaritas! So, yeah it was pretty much a laid back sorta night..but fun! Sadly the beloved Vols lost. :(

Christy and Mommy picked up the boys in time to make it back to our hotel in time to ring in the new year with Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest.