Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where has the week gone?

The weekend was super productive! We were supposed to go to the beach with Granddaddy and Grandy... but we just couldn't make the trip as Kris had to work Friday and it is atleast 6 hours from here... We couldn't put Grace Anne in the carseat for 6 hours on Friday night to only really have one day at the beach before having to head home Sunday morning. Really, Mommy and Daddy couldn't handle the short rushed trip either... So since our weekends have been so busy, it gave us a chance to get some stuff done at home. Don't get me wrong, the weeds are still taking over and there are still plenty of closets to be organized! But, that being said, it was productive. On Saturday I reorganized the dining room- cleaning the china cabinets, buffet, and liquor cabinet out. On Sunday, I cleaned out the shed building behind our house! I have cleaned it out once, but it needed a second go. Since it is May, it was much easier to trash the Christmas decorations and non-sense stuff that I've been hanging on to. I mean Christmas decorations seem to be much more sentimental at Christmas time. But, Sunday (when it was 90 degrees and the sun was beating on the building and sweat was beading on my forehead...) I could have cared less! After several huge black trash bags and a decent collection of Garage Sale material, I was quite proud of my accomplishments! I'm quickly realizing that Grace Anne is getting her own collection of paraphernalia and I continually ask myself... "do we need this?" Or when it comes to her out growing clothing or even toys or gear-- I wonder... "Should I save this?" I mean... Will we have another baby? Will it be a girl? Will this stuff be dry rotted by the time we decide or she arrives? AH! the questions! haha

Furthermore, if we end up moving anytime in the near future... it will be a blast! We have so much stuff. I had enough stuff for a two bedroom apartment BEFORE inheriting a whole house full of stuff. Whew!
I can't believe its Tuesday.. I didn't post since last week... what?! Anyways, we picked up the 6 month pictures today and I must say... they are so sweet! I love this baby.. I love my family.. and i really wouldn't trade the life I'm living for the life I once plan and thought would be "ideal." Clearly a lot of things aren't ideal... but, not to get mushy, I must admit I am very thankful to have Kris and Grace Anne (and Brewski) to make my life fulfilling! Now check out the pictures!
Click: Grace Anne's 6 month album

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