Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Doctor's Report:
She's perfect!
(and of course... we agree!)
Where to begin? How about with the fact that the "Jeep" was a bad purchase? Okay, I don't truly feel like it was a bad purchase, but according to my latest handout (from the pediatrician's office) on how to raise my child... walkers are a bad idea and shouldn't be purchased! The handout claims that they are not only a danger, they may also slow the child's development. I don't think that I've hit on my "walker" research, but I went back in forth with the whole walker idea.. and I ran across the study that claimed baby walkers could in fact slow the child's development as it would give children the opportunity to rely on support to walk and it would slow their ability to walk independently. Now, this may be the case... or it may not be.. BUT, ultimately the joy Grace Anne has gotten from the Jeep in the last week will make up for any developmental lack. And, honestly I don't buy into this nonsense. Yes, if a baby is left in the walker all the time then he or she isn't going to have the upper body strength or ability to hold him/herself up. Futuremore, the claim that walkers can be fatal may be true, but no child should be left unattended so is the walker the only thing to blame? NO! hello people. (Ps. The doctor didn't think the walker was a problem at all-- and by the way, we love the new pediatrician!)
Okay, off the soapbox! Grace Anne is growing like a weed! She is up to 14 and half pounds which puts her in like the 22nd percentile... but her length is up to 25 1/8 inches making her jump to the 53rd percentile. Our little runt is long and lean! For her sake, I hope that continues!
She did have shots so today has been rough.. she has slept a lot but when she is awake she is cranky! (A cranky camel is what we call her because of the Zoo book we have..just an FYI)

We are up-ing the fruits and veggie intake to twice a day! She isn't supposed to eat ANYthing during the night and it is time to work on getting Grace Anne to sleep consistently, in her crib... through the night! Whoa! Lots to do.

Finally, Daddy didn't get the job he really wanted in Nashville. Due to the fact that he is still searching for a job and that we have started paying student loans and all that nonsense.. looks like no beach trip with the Kepley side of the family this weekend. Daddy can't get off work and really we can't afford for him to miss work. We will miss the fun times and hope to get Grace Anne to the beach this summer... fingers crossed another opportunity comes along very soon! We are all bummed out about the current situation.

Oh and apparently there was a recall on infant tylenol so tell your mom friends! http://www.tylenol.com/page2.jhtml?id=tylenol/news/subp_tylenol_recall_1.inc

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