time out....
busy lives in process!
busy lives in process!

So some days nothing really happens that is blog worthy and I don't blog. (Of course that is all my judgment call and some of my dedicated blog subscribers might differ.) This week that has not been the case what so ever. A lot is going on at the ol' Kepley Casa, and I've just been busy to be quite honest. Not to mention the computer went into permanent hibernation and it took a while- a couple days in fact- to figure out what was going on.
Grace Anne has reached a milestone.. she can roll over from back to tummy. She is really good grabbing her toys and basically getting her hands on what she wants, she just rolls right over!
Daddy went to an interview, well actually more like three interviews, in St. Louis and we are hoping to hear good news soon.
Mommy and Grace Anne have had an interesting day!!! The dogs played in a mud puddle and tracked in mud all over the freshly mopped floor! After mopping it a second time, I found out that the washer is clearly leaking more than it had been... the laundry room and kitchen floors had standing water.. finally got that soaked up with towels and I had wet dirty towels that I was scared to wash because I didn't want to recreate the same problem!!(notice mop in picture)