Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I know everyone wants an update and everyone is having Grace Anne withdraws!
I should be better at this and I keep promising myself I will be and then look.. its been another 4.. almost 5 I guess... days! Ahhh! I won't even waste your time with excuses!

Grace Anne is doing fabulous! We went to the doctor this morning and she is up to 7lbs. 15 oz. She is almost a pound over birth weight which is not that much apparently for a month old, but for our little runt we are very excited about the growth!! And yes, she is a month old.. you read it right. Can you believe it?!
After the doctor check-up, Mommy's friend Jennifer came over to visit, camera in hand. She took lots of pictures of GA! Yesterday we were talking and decided Grace Anne needed a tutu. Tutu's are super easy to make too which made the whole process of creating one that much more fun! I have a feeling my child will end up wearing tutu for quite some time. Jennifer also brought us our first pair of baby legs, not that they would fit now, but they will look so cute under the tutu when she is bigger! So, back to the original thought--I can't wait to see the pictures.. Jenn has a very creative eye and I've loved all the work I've seen her do.. and this time was shooting my kid so it can't be bad!

Oh and our newest pass time is playing in our little activity mat gym thingy. She loves throwing her arms about and hitting the toys. Also, we have two toys that play music.. those are by far her favorite!

We have a very busy week ahead. Daddy finished his bachelor's this summer and will be walking at graduation Saturday. Grace Anne and I bought Daddy a new suit for graduation so its only fitting that Grace Anne get a new outfit as well. Poppy bought her a dress, tights, and really cute shoes. She will look adorable... I tried it on last night the only flaw I foresee is that the tights are huge! I don't know what we will do instead-- stay tuned.

Finally, I like to refer to myself as Mommy in the blog, but I have noticed that I switch back and forth to Mommy and I which in turn makes me jump from third person to first person and back to third. I want you all to know that I DO know better. I am about to have a graduate degree and I don't want anyone to think wow she can't even get the basics down. I may really work on sticking to first person, but then again... I may not! NOW, that being said-- spelling errors don't count. I am a terrible speller and if spell check doesn't catch it.. then we are out of luck. Oh and within the blog...punctuation, especially commas, have no rules!

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