Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Let me begin with my deepest apologies.. it has been days since I've blogged-- but hey, you understand.. we have a 12 day old baby in the house! It is slightly hectic! Grace Anne seems to be doing much better with the stuffy nose! Thank goodness! Mommy and Daddy are still lacking sleep, but Daddy has been doing the first half of the night so he actually gets a decent amount of sleep because he has been able to sleep in. BUT, Daddy requires more sleep than Mommy and Daddy hasn't had 9 months of sleepless nights so he isn't used to a messed up schedule. (Not to say that Mommy enjoys a messed up schedule or lack of sleep!)

Today we went to the doctor for a weight check. The pediatrician had told us from day one that she'd lose some weight (from birth weight) and would be back to birth weight by 2 weeks old. Last week she had several visits to the doctor and she was a consistent 6lbs. 11 oz.! He had also said she'd start gaining about an ounce a day -- well, no such luck! She is now a whole 6lbs. 13 oz. Yeah so 7lbs and 2 oz. is a long shot for Friday. Her doctor wants to see some more weight game... but as for now, Daddy has determined that we have a runt!

So, back in September we went to Nashville for a weekend getaway. Daddy bought Grace Anne a precious onesie that said "Daddy's Little Pumpkin." Of course we had no idea that she would be swallowed whole by a 0-3 month sized onesie. As previously mentioned, she is much smaller than we anticipated and she has been wearing the same clothes A LOT! So back to the onesie-- Kris told me at the time she needed an outfit for Thanksgiving. Kris' favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and was totally bummed when we discovered that our sweet little baby would be lost in the onesie. No matter how cute it is, it just won't work! Mommy's concern became more like "OMG! WHAT IS SHE GOING TO WEAR?"!! Just think, she is going on her first trip (only to Cookeville for the day- but still!), she is meeting more family for the first time, and it is a stinkin' holiday! I began to think long and hard about turkey attire. Unfortunately, there aren't many options for newborn sized clothing! Etsy has a lot of cute stuff, but time was the issue considering we made this discovery on Monday! In the time of need, Mommy had to be crafty! Now Grace Anne has a Turkey Tee.. crafted by yours truly! (if you don't think it looks like a turkey or you aren't a fan-- I don't want to know!) She will be sporting the Turkey Tee proudly tomorrow..

Oh and another milestone!!! Grace Anne had her first baby tub bath tonight. Sadly, no pictures. Daddy was mopping the kitchen and it wasn't very conducive for Mommy to take pictures while the baby was in a tub of water.. go figure! But, she liked it.. for a few minutes at least. I will say, we registered for this cute little fish thing that you use to keep the baby's body covered when bathing her... I am really thankful Meredith got it for us! It really helps!

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