Monday, September 6, 2010

Grace Anne is a BEACH BABE...
or possibly just a fish out of water...

On Sunday we went to the beach. We went to Rockport, TX because we had heard great things about it. We figured we wouldn't go there much so we went on up there as its a further drive. We didn't like it nearly as much, it was more of a "bay-beach" and had small pebbles and rock partials. Maybe the name "ROCKport" is not by coincidence! Grace Anne of course loved the water, but we got rained out! So by the time the shower passed we were almost home and Daddy decided to go on down to Mustang island. We stayed a long time and Grace Anne had to be pulled out. She loved the water and the waves. She made a little friend, Damon. Damon was for 4 according to him and only 3 according to his Grandma. (it's funny how little kids want to be older!) But, Damon had a 7 month old sister at home and loved making Grace Anne laugh and smile. She loves little kids with little voices. He covered her toes with sand and let the waves wash her off. She got a kick out of it. Daddy of course also enjoyed the water... and the trip to the ice cream truck. We are all ready to go back and since we now have our annual driving/parking pass -- we can go whenever our hearts desire!

We actually went to the Children's Urgent Care too. Grace Anne lost her balance and fell and hit her head on the tile then 10 minutes later she was climbing Kris' leg and fell and hit her head. She started acting kinda weird and wouldn't stop whimpering. For a while we kept her awake but then when she fell asleep she went completely limp. She looked like mush. We couldn't get her to wake up so we put her in the car and rushed her to the Urgent Care. The nurse came out immediately and tried to wake her up and noticed she was limp-- with in minutes we were surrounded by 3 doctors and a handful of nurses. They called an ambulance and started connecting her to monitors. One doctor was able to get her awake, they canceled the ambulance call, but left her on the monitor. Her heart rate looked good, she was breathing the whole time and her breathing was normal. They concluded she was probably extremely tired but found it strange she was so limp. I remained calm throughout, but Daddy really took it rough, I really think he had a hard time soaking it all in. He didn't remember part of it! Poor Daddy.

They did head x-rays and they looked good (she was not a fan of the x-rays or us holding her still).. It was heart wrenching to hold her still while she cried to get away. Everytime the x-ray lady came back in the room she screamed! :( . They gave us a tylenol prescription. We of course are on Cobra for a month which makes this a costly trip because now we have to pay the $900 dues... is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!... We may not be going on weekend getaways or vacations... or big nights out anytime soon, but we know our baby is alright and that's priceless!

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