Burn Baby Burn.. and not in a good way
When I say burn I mean burn and I'm not talking about a good burn! Tuesday at work Daddy got BLEACH in his eyes. Apparently the bleach wasn't properly sealed and packaged nor was it properly labeled. When Kris dropped it down the bottle splashed! So while this is happening, Mommy was trying to feed Grace Anne. When I got the call that Kris was going to the ER I packed up the screaming, half-fed baby and rushed to the ER. When we arrived Kris was already in the room with the UPS safety supervisor. The doctor came in, examined his eyes, and determined that the right eye had a pretty bad burn. They numbed his eyes and checked under his eyelids and found no damage there. So then they said they'd have to flush his eye with a bag of fluid. The machine that would flush them was basically the piping and mechanics used for an IV. The difference was that there was a suction that was shaped to fit the eye. The suction was placed on his eye and a continuous fluid went to the eye in order to flush it out. They began flushing both eyes, each hooked up to a bag of fluid. Kris couldn't stand having them both being flushed simultaneously. Since the left eye didn't seem to have any damage, they removed the left eye flush. He was very uncomfortable and looked very tense. Grace Anne and I were right by his side the whole time. The flush took about 40 minutes and he was a real trooper. Unfortunately when they removed the towels around his neck and chest he was beginning to hive up. The doctor walked in as the towels were being removed and he ordered steroids and benedryl. After they kicked in, the rash began fading and we were released. I took Daddy home to relax on the couch. Grace Anne and I went to the pharmacy to get the prescriptions filled, then dealt with the workman's comp stuff and finally got home about 2 hours later. Mommy got Grace Anne ready for bed, Daddy rocked her to sleep, and Mommy left yet again to go get Daddy's car from work-- thanks to the help of "Mama #2" (Kathy). Finally, I was home by midnight! Whhhhaaattt a day!
Wednesday the saga continued as we had to communicate with the union steward, manager, and safety supervisor. Apparently the hospital release didn't outline specifically that he shouldn't return to work. The doctor had mentioned not to drive or anything on pain meds and had said work was out for at least one day. After several calls to the ER, super Mom got a hold of someone that was willing to discuss the technicalities of what the release said. By 7pm on Wednesday, after being on the phone for what seemed like all day (which of course I hate talking on the phone), I was on my way to the ER to pick up the doctor's note. Wheeww what a day, again! Friday, well I guess that is today, was much more fun and enjoyable. Grace Anne and I went to the fourth grade class to visit the kiddies. They were very excited to see Mrs. Kepley and the baby! Afterward, we went to lunch with two girlfriends at La Costa on Market Square and to the little shops.
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