Yes, we are alive!
Texas has taken us by storm! We are busy people lately and therefore we honestly would have lots to blog about, but... I'm a major slacker! I didn't know anyone still checked out the ol' blog until I received a few emails that made reference to missing the blog! I am not making promises, but here is a quick recap...
February was filled with food poisioning, an unhappy colon, and way too many trips to the doctor (all of this was Mommy issues, but now when Mommy has issues it affects the whole family... but we juggled, shifted, and made it through!) March was much better and included our Anniversary and Grace Anne's first trip to NYC! (oh how Kris and I have missed 'the city')
April has been great so far. Grace Anne got a swingset and we've had a blast in the backyard... everyday!
So the real reason you check the blog... Grace Anne updates!!!
Grace Anne is a busy little tot! To begin with, we are very active in attending playdates! We are part of 2 playgroups but over the last several months we have made very good, dependable friends. Grace Anne 'hangs' with several friends each week and seems to enjoy being so social! (would you expect anything less from my daughter?)... She is walking very well and has been running quite often! She keep trying to figure out how to jump but hasn't mastered it yet!
She is very talkative and expressive, but her vocabulary is still limited (in less you include the jibberish). She of course says MaMa, DaDa, and now clearly says Elmo. She never misses a dog in a book, on the street, in a store, or on TV! She points and proclaims "DOG"!!
Hi and Bye have been around for a while but she has begun twinkling her fingers when saying "Bye" and she usually says "BYE. BYE.... BYE" in a manner that is very adament and loud.
While we still have her in her "space saver" high chair, she is getting much better with eating! She uses a plate and a fork... okay well-- lets be honest here-- she uses a fork nearly 50% of the time! She loves having a fork and is pretty good with using the fork... when she chooses to use it to pick up the food. Some days she put the fork in one hand and uses the other hand to eat!
Her favorite pastimes include... swinging, sliding, destroying the living room by pulling out every single toy (and repeating over and over), dancing to commercials (esp. the ipad commercial which she drops everything for), watching Barney, feeding Brewski (she has finally found a way to his heart), reading her books (also known as flipping each page and jabbering away), and kissing (MUUUHHHMUUUAHHH) us!
She is growing way to fast and we are doign everything we can to enjoy her! She is truly the light of our lives and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. While Texas is very far from family and old friends, we realize how great this opportunity and adventure has been for us as a family! We aren't going to be here forever but we are making the best of right now and enjoying life. It does help that Kris likes his job, has flexibility to spend time with us, and its an added bonus to have met some fun friends to hang out with!